Click here to download CIArb Ireland's submission on the Review of the Administration of Civil Justice.
New Challenges and Opportunities
The branch is currently putting together a submission in relation to the recently announced Review of the Administration of Civil Justice and the contributions and views of members would be most welcome. For more information please see:
The Mediation Act 2017 came into operation on 1st January 2018. The Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan said he believes the Act will speed up the resolution of disputes, reduce legal costs associated with such disputes and reduce or avoid the stress involved in adversarial court proceedings. Up to now mediation has been seen as a well-intentioned alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process but without teeth. The Act changes all that and formally puts mediation on a legal footing. Legal requirements are now imposed on mediators and protections have been put in place for the parties. The Act supports mediation as a confidential, cost-effective, time-efficient process in which parties in a dispute resolve their difficulties with the assistance of an independent, experienced, trained mediator. Before commencing civil legal proceedings a party is now obliged to consider mediation instead of court proceedings with a legal requirement on solicitors to explain the process and benefits. Parties already in litigation can pause the legal process and go to mediation with the assistance of the Courts.
This year's CIArb Ireland Annual Dinner was a resounding success with over 120 attendees and speaker, Attorney General Seamus Woulfe SC.
The Adjudication Society Northern Ireland Region and CIArb Northern Ireland Region will jointly host a conference on adjudication on Friday 27th October 2017. Please click here for the flyer and booking details.
CIArb Ireland welcomes the signing by the President, Michael C. Higgins, of the Mediation Act. Solicitors and barristers now have a statutory obligation to advise their clients of the mediation option and provide information on mediation services, including details of mediators, information about the advantages and benefits of mediation, information on confidentiality obligations and the enforceability of mediation settlements. Click here for press release for CIArb Ireland Chairman Bill Holohan.
The CI Arb Committee seeks Members of all grades with an interest in assisting on sub -committees or CPD Events to contact Jennifer on with areas of interterest .
The Law Society of Ireland and CIArb Ireland will jointly host a Mediation Event on Friday 13th October from 9.30am - 11.30 am as part of Mediation Awareness Week 2017 (7th - 14th October). This event is free to attend however registration is required. Click here for the flyer.
CIArb Ireland welcome the passing of The Mediation Bill by both Houses of the Oireachtas. Click here to view the Bill.
The Bloomsday Dinner was held in the Stephens Green Hibernian Club on Friday 16th June with the Branch Chairs from Ireland and the UK gathering for their Annual Meeting. Also in attendance were the delegates attending the XI Dublin Forum on International Dispute Resolution organised by Jim Bridgeman, such delegates coming from all over the world.
The Ken McQuillan lecture was held in the Radisson Blu Hotel on Friday 16th June. Professor Dr Nayla Comair-Obeid C.Arb, the current CIArb Worldwide President, gave a talk on Dispute Avoidance and Resolution in Times of Crisis. This event was well attended by CIArb members as well as visitors from the UK.
Organised by Ian Talbot CEO of Chambers Ireland and the ICC Ireland National Committee. This Committee includes two delegates each from the CIArb Ireland Branch, the Law Society and the Bar Council. The breakfast meeting ahead of the event at the DDRC included Mr. Justice Brian McGovern SC, the designated Arbitration Judge at the High Court.
Tickets can now be purchased for this unique event. Click here for further details.