The CIArb Golbal Community - A list of all current Branches and Chapters can be found by clicking here.
With over 750 members in two jurisdictions (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) the Irish Branch is one of the largest branches in an international network in over 100 countries. The CIArb supports a global network of over 30 Branches with 12,000 members worldwide. Within the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators the branches function as a worldwide network and work in co-operation with other local institutions in order to contribute to the development of the Institute as a whole.
Through the branch structure, the branch committees and membership organise social events, meetings, lectures, CPD events, workshops and training courses. Through the branches the CIArb works with other professional bodies on matters of common interest. The branches provide an important source of contact and information through the publication of local information in newsletters and on branch websites. Branches have several functions within their geographical region, including:
- representing and promoting the CIArb, its services and activities
- promoting wider knowledge of and use of arbitration and other non-court dispute methods
- developing the CIArb membership and attracting new members
- providing local events, activities and networking facilities for the benefit of member
For members, the branches provide hugely valuable opportunities for networking with fellow professionals, developing new contacts, discussing common issues and problems, developing knowledge and skills, as well as enjoying many social benefits. There is plenty of opportunity for members to get involved in the running of their local branch - from assisting with an individual event to leading on a major aspect of the Branch like publicity or education.
A Chapter is e sub-set of a Branch, usually on a smaller geographical basis, and usually set up for networking or social reasons. The CIArb membership within Northern Ireland is organised in a very active and successful Chapter within the Ireland Branch, regularly organising educational and social events and networking opportunities.
Other examples are the European Branch with its chapters in the Netherland and the North America Branch has chapters in North and South California and in New York.