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A Constructive, Efficient And Effective Response
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-Irish Branch (CIArb-lrish Branch) established a Special Interest Group to develop and promote mediation as a tool to assist in the avoidance / resolution of planning and environmental conflicts. This initiative led to the development of an accredited panel of specially trained mediators for work in this area.
Non-adversarial,co-operative processes are now recognised world-wide as efficient and cost effective options.
Often mediationcan facilitate resolution of disputes, but in cases where the final decision-making is reserved in law to a particular person or agency (i.e., the Minster of Environment or An Bord Pleanala), these approaches can supplement whatever formal decision-making is required by law, shortening the process and reducing the degree of conflict involved. This initiative aims to improve transparency and enhance stakeholder engagement in environmental and planning decision-making, resulting in better outcomes for all parties.
It is vital to recognise that most significant decisions in contentious projects are not technical decisions but value choices informed by technical information. While this is one of the reasons that these disputes engender such emotion, this also makes them ideal for neutral mediation.
The special interest group have a dedicated website at www.irishenvironmentalmediation.com