This year's CIArb Ireland Annual Dinner was a resounding success with over 120 attendees and speaker, Attorney General Seamus Woulfe SC.
The Bloomsday Dinner was held in the Stephens Green Hibernian Club on Friday 16th June with the Branch Chairs from Ireland and the UK gathering for their Annual Meeting. Also in attendance were the delegates attending the XI Dublin Forum on International Dispute Resolution organised by Jim Bridgeman, such delegates coming from all over the world.
The Ken McQuillan lecture was held in the Radisson Blu Hotel on Friday 16th June. Professor Dr Nayla Comair-Obeid C.Arb, the current CIArb Worldwide President, gave a talk on Dispute Avoidance and Resolution in Times of Crisis. This event was well attended by CIArb members as well as visitors from the UK.
The 2017 AGM was held on Friday 7th April in the Radisson Blu Hotel. Past Chair Gerard Monaghan gave the opening speech followed by presentations by the Treasurer (John McQuillan) and Honorary Secretary (James O'Donoghue). The new CIArb Ireland website was also launched by Marketing Officer Dan Ibrahim.