New Challenges and Opportunities
Date: Friday 9th March 2018
Venue: C.I.F. Construction House, Canal Road, Dublin 6
With clauses embedded in all the main construction contracts Conciliation has been the first recourse of the parties to a dispute, providing them with a consensual/persuasive method of achieving a settlement, thus avoiding lengthy and expensive arbitration or civil proceedings.
Recent legislation and changes to standard contracts have significant implications for the practice of Conciliation. This seminar will examine how Conciliation is evolving to meet the new challenges and the new opportunities resulting from recent changes.
This seminar will be of interest dispute resolution practitioners, consultants and managers in the construction industry.
- Registration/lunch (light refreshments) - 12.45 - 1.45
- Will Adjudication supplant Conciliation? - 1.45- 2.15
Joe Behan - Behan Dispute Resolution Consultants will examine how Adjudication has fared since the coming into force of the Construction Contracts Act 2013. Does it represent a challenge to conciliation?
- Changes to RIAI Contract Conciliation Clauses - 2.15 - 3.00
James O'Donogue -.Architect,Arbitrator,Mediator will examine the recent changes to the RIAI conciliation clauses based on the Med/Rec principles.
- Will the Mediation Act 2017 affect the practice of Conciliation?- 3.00 - 3.30
Martin Cooney - Byrne Wallace Solicitors, will examine whether the Mediation Act 2007 is likely to influence or control the practice of conciliation including the prospect for registration of conciliators.
- The Standing Conciliator - future prospects. - 3.30 - 4.00
Gerard Monaghan, Chartered Engineer will discuss the practice of Standing Conciliator with reference to the standard clauses in the Public Works Contracts and his own experience of the process.
- Panel Discussion 4.00 - 4.30
Keith Kelliher Kelliher & Associates ADR will chair a panel discussion.
Fee to attend the seminar - €60 C.I.F. and C.I.Arb. members €40
Advance registration is essential.
For further information contact John Deaton (01 4754960) or (Martin Lang 01 4066000)