Ciarb Seminar in conjunction with The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

Ciarb Seminar in conjunction with The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Ireland Branch and The Society of chartered Surveyors Ireland 

Join us in the event space at the SCSI, Merrion Square on Friday 22nd of November from 08:30am -10:30am 

For a round table breakfast seminar titled: 

"Adjudication - Lessons from other jurisdictions and the Irish perspective"

Panel discussion and book signing. 

Enquiries :, or 01 8175307 

Please find flyer attached :/_fileupload/flyer-2page-adjudication-lessons-from-other-jurisdictions-and-the-irish-perspective.pdf


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Ireland Branch and The Society of chartered Surveyors Ireland 

Join us in the event space at the SCSI, Merrion Square on Friday 22nd of November from 08:30am -10:30am 

For a round table breakfast seminar titled: 

"Adjudication - Lessons from other jurisdictions and the Irish perspective"

Panel discussion and book signing. 

Enquiries :, or 01 8175307 

Please find flyer attached :/_fileupload/flyer-2page-adjudication-lessons-from-other-jurisdictions-and-the-irish-perspective.pdf


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