The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Ireland Branch are delighted to announce
The Annual McQuillan Lecture is taking place at 9am on Monday 24th June
in The Dublin Dispute Resoltuion Centre, The Distillery Building Dublin 7
Introduction by Mr. Justice David Barniville (President of the High Court)
Lecture speaker David Huebner FCiarb, C.Arb, FCOLLArb
'International Arbitration - between tradition & innovation'
Single ticket Free
Reservation is required
Enquiries: or 01 8175307
Please see flyer with details:/_fileupload/flyer-mcquillan-lecture-june-2024.pdf
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Ireland Branch are delighted to announce
The Annual McQuillan Lecture is taking place at 9am on Monday 24th June
in The Dublin Dispute Resoltuion Centre, The Distillery Building Dublin 7
Introduction by Mr. Justice David Barniville (President of the High Court)
Lecture speaker David Huebner FCiarb, C.Arb, FCOLLArb
'International Arbitration - between tradition & innovation'
Single ticket Free
Reservation is required
Enquiries: or 01 8175307
Please see flyer with details:/_fileupload/flyer-mcquillan-lecture-june-2024.pdf