Ciarb Annual Conference 'Dispute avoidance and management in construction' Members rate

Ciarb Annual Conference 'Dispute avoidance and management in construction' Members rate

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators  - Ireland Branch 

Annual conference 'Dispute avoidance and management in construction'  Friday 1st March 2023 in The Hilton Hotel Charlemont

Charlemont Place, St. Kevins, Dublin 2.

Keynote speaker - Mr. Bernard Gogarty Chair of the Ministerial Panel of Adjudicators

Ciarb members €120, non members €150. 

Enquiries to Jennifer or phone; 01 8175307

Includes buffet lunch and post conference reception

Kindly sponsored by Addleshaw Goddard and Yendall Hunter

For further programme details see flyer:/_fileupload/flyer-annual-conference-march-2024-1.pdf


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators  - Ireland Branch 

Annual conference 'Dispute avoidance and management in construction'  Friday 1st March 2023 in The Hilton Hotel Charlemont

Charlemont Place, St. Kevins, Dublin 2.

Keynote speaker - Mr. Bernard Gogarty Chair of the Ministerial Panel of Adjudicators

Ciarb members €120, non members €150. 

Enquiries to Jennifer or phone; 01 8175307

Includes buffet lunch and post conference reception

Kindly sponsored by Addleshaw Goddard and Yendall Hunter

For further programme details see flyer:/_fileupload/flyer-annual-conference-march-2024-1.pdf


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